Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Spot reduction is a Myth !!!!

A lot of people come to me and ask what kind of abdominal exercise can they do to get rid of belly fat? My answer is always the same : " doing sit ups and crunches all day long won't help you get rid of belly fat " for couple of reasons, first of all spot reduction is a myth, second of all six packs are made in the kitchen and last but most importantly the bodies fat distribution depends on the hormones and getting rid of it depends on the hormones as well.
I will try to explain it real simple in a nutshell here how our hormones makes us accumulate belly fat. I am not an expert in hormones or not a doctor or anything just had my own weight problems for many years and did a lot of reading and studying to figure it out how to permanently loss weight and keep it off as well. I didn't wanted a quick fix, I wanted something that works on the long run and it's sustainable and healthy. It took me a long time until I figured out how to do it and I will share it with you now.
So lets go back to the basics and talk about why the body accumulates body fat mainly around our wast and why is that dangerous. Couple of reasons you have all or most of your body fat around your belly is: insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome , high blood sugar, impaired glucose metabolism, adrenal fatigue to mention a few and the danger is that it's not just around your waist but all around your organs as well.
Hormones that control your metabolism, appetite  and body fat distribution are: thyroid hormone, insulin, cortisol, gherlin and leptin, estrogen and testosterone.
Extra belly fat can indicate one or more of the following hormonal imbalances: high estrogen, low testosterone, low DHEA (a hormone of the adrenal glands), high insulin and high cortisol. 
Belly fat is a sing of estrogen dominance especial in woman, high cortisol and high insulin go hand in hand and they are catabolic hormones meaning that when they are high your body is storing fat and breaking down muscle. Testosterone is a growth hormone manly for mean but women have it, too only a lot less than man and it is an anabolic hormone meaning that when it is high your body is braking down fat and building muscle. The problem is that in todays word both woman and man have high levels of estrogen, insulin and cortisol and low levels of testosterone. Belly fat in a man indicate low testosterone and high cortisol. 
So now lets see how to balance our hormones to lose the belly fat and save ourself from diabetes, heart disease and other health issues.
First thing to do is, change your diet, remember " six pack are made in the  kitchen ", SUGAR has to go, refined and artificial and even natural if you have impaired glucose metabolism like I do. Grains has to go and all the junk made from them, hydrogenated oils has to go as well , all the junk , artificial coloring and all the man made chemical the has nothing to do in our diet.
Start eating good fats, every hormone in our body is made from cholesterol, in order to balance our hormones we have to eat lots of good fats like bacon and eggs, avocados, lard, coconut oil, butter and anything we have been told not to. We see what the low fat diet did to us, now lets focus on fixing it.
Second most important thing is a good night sleep, yes very important, if you can't change your diet but you fix your sleep everything  will get better. 8-9 hours of quality sleep is necessary possibly from 10 pm until 6-7 in the morning at least. 
 Last thing to do is stress management, you have to fix your cortisol levels, meditate or anything that helps to relax. 
Exercise helps to balance your hormones as well, so I am not telling you not to exercise, contrary you should exercise on a regular basis and workout your whole body not just some parts of it, in order to keep you muscles in balance as well.

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